Robert Crowe, described by the New York Times as “a male soprano of staggering gifts“, is a member of perhaps the world’s smallest vocal category. In 1995 he was only the second countertenor (and first male soprano) to be a National Winner of the Metropolitan Opera Competition. Mr. Crowe has sung on many opera stages in the US and in Europe and worked with such conductors as René Jacobs, Ivor Bolton, Fabio Biondi, Andreas Spering, Michael Hoffsteter, Julius Rudel, Rheinhard Goebel, Marcus Creed, and stage directors, Nicholas Broadhurst, David Alden, Peer Boysen, and Axel Köhler and many more.

Soprano Aprile Millo was born in New York from a family of Italian descent. Both her parents, who were appreciated opera singers (tenor and soprano), were her vocal coaches.  After winning the Busseto competition for Verdi voices and debuting in the title role of Aida at Utah Opera in Salt Lake City, she started an international career that brought her to sing in major opera houses because of her consistent  and extensive lyric soprano  voice with its particulary fine timbre, plus an outstanding personality in performance, that built her reputation as one of the finest Verdi singers of the twentieth century.

Which is the main feature of your personality?
Ithink I’m pretty positive and happy!
Your worst flaw?
I’m very single-minded ….testarda
Which is your star sign?
Are you superstitious?
Sometimes… I try not to learn about all the different superstitions different cultures have because I travel so much- I’d never be able to do *anything* without it being considered bad luck somewhere!